Business Matters

The Future of Qualitative Research—An Ideation Session: How We Can Dramatically Increase Our Value to Clients and Stay Relevant in the Future

Is traditional qualitative research dead? A provocative question that seems to surface every now and then. With the proliferation of new tech tools and AI, it might feel this way sometimes, but it’s the combination of old and new methods that can help researchers increase their value to clients. Author Len Ferman identifies ideas from a brainstorming session with qualitative researchers to consider in our pursuit to add unique value to brands and businesses. […]

Industry Focus

3 Ways Qualitative Researchers Can Help P&C Insurance Companies Transform Their Industry

The property & casualty insurance industry is undergoing massive change as artificial intelligence and automation change the customer experience. Feature editor Tom Neveril explores what qualitative skills are helpful as clients attempt to personalize their services and build long-term loyalty. Several insurance company researchers and independent qualitative consultants contributed insights. […]