From the Editor in Chief – Winter 2024
VIEWS’ Editor-in-Chief Tamara Kenworthy gives thanks for a career that allows us to be curious and creative every day, and shares highlights from this quarter’s issue. […]
VIEWS’ Editor-in-Chief Tamara Kenworthy gives thanks for a career that allows us to be curious and creative every day, and shares highlights from this quarter’s issue. […]
Our cover story is on the Future of Qualitative Research in our Business Matters column. We thank author Len Ferman for donating his time to conduct a workshop on the future of qualitative research and share the ideas generated. […]
Our VIEWS team is so energized by and proud of the myriad articles that we cover to keep readers current on leading trends and best practices, including the overwhelming digital space. Our cover story features the Global column and highlights thought leadership at the highest level with a look at the metaverse, in which the authors penned a must-read article on what this realm may mean for qualitative research now and in the future. […]
When I read our cover story in this issue for the Travelwise column, I was excited for its message in several ways: it features exploring public art on our travels to expand our cultural understanding, it reminds us to slow down in life and smell the roses, which we all need to do, and it reminded me that there will be time to explore public art in Denver for the January 2024 QRCA Annual Conference. […]
Our editorial team takes great pride in bringing a broad range of content to you each quarter. As editor-in-chief, I’m also extremely proud of our team for their dedication of time and expertise in guiding authors. VIEWS was recently recognized once again as an award-winning publication. […]
Just like at home when you’re ready to rearrange a room for a new look or redecorate with a new color palette—it was time at VIEWS to refresh our design layout; it hadn’t been done for many years. […]
Our Spring issue is stocked full of ideas and insights as you gear up for the next quarter. […]
Did you know that your QRCA magazine is produced by an all-volunteer QRCA member committee, along with one QRCA staff liaison from Ewald Consulting, and our publisher, E&M Consulting, Inc.? Through member surveys, we know that our members see VIEWS as an important resource for leading-edge and applicable qualitative ideas and information. […]
A recent research study from Oracle and author-podcaster Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Report, found that 91 percent of people prefer brands to be funny and 72 percent would choose a brand that uses humor over the competition. However, 95 percent of business leaders fear using humor in customer interactions. […]
I don’t have a green thumb, and while my husband gets all the credit for our many thriving plants indoors, we struggle with our outdoors landscaping. So, a friend who is obsessed with gardening is helping us visualize some problem areas outside to provide us with a renewed sense of surroundings for our home. She doesn’t just plant and enjoy. Rather, she is constantly trying new plants, moving things around in her yard, and learning as she goes—all the while enjoying a refreshed look at beauty all the time. […]
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