Schools of Thought

From Qual Insights to Place Branding: How a Small Northern Swedish Town Became a Hotspot for Talent Attraction

In the northern reaches of Sweden, the winter sun barely graces the sky, yet the small city of Skellefteå is attracting new residents by the thousands. With a combination of rural charm, a shift in work-life values, and the rise of green industries, Skellefteå is experiencing a population surge. Once a town struggling with depopulation, it’s now a hub for innovation, thanks to its creative “Sorry Sweden” campaign, driven by qualitative research. This transformation highlights the power of place branding and the growing importance of attracting talent to meet the demands of emerging industries. […]

Schools of Thought

How Consumers and Things “Co-Do”: Listening to the Language of Objects

Semiotics highlights the vitality of objects as active contributors, challenging conventional views that prioritize individual decision-making. Author Sónia Marques advocates for recognizing the agency of things and emphasizes the need to observe their role in situ, urging researchers to adeptly engage with the language of objects for a comprehensive understanding of human behavior. […]

an image of Sigmund Freud psychanalyzing a female patient
Schools of Thought

How Techniques from Psychoanalysis Can Provide Deeper Insights

Darren Harvey draws from his psychoanalytic training to explain how leaning into research participants’ defensive behaviors and anxiety can provide valuable material for understanding their world. When one’s true self is seen, validated, and brought into the space, participants can enjoy a more enriching and satisfying experience, and our clients can net deeper and more meaningful insights from consumers. […]

An illustration of a group of people in a circle surrounded by vibrant colors
Schools of Thought

Joy in Research: Nurturing Participant Enjoyment & Researcher Well-Being

Grounded in data and real-world experiences from the Year of Joy initiative, joy can be integrated into qualitative research as both a quantifiable metric and an intervention tool in research methodologies. Learn how the dual role of joy is setting new standards in participant engagement, data quality, and overall well-being, and providing actionable tips and insights for researchers and individuals to cultivate joy in various aspects of life. […]

Schools of Thought

So Big They Are Almost Invisible: 4 Roles of Brand Rituals and What They Mean for Researchers

The profound impact of rituals makes them a rich opportunity for marketers. This article discusses the “invisible” power of ritual on people’s lives and some of the ways brands capitalize on these behaviors. Discover how brands tap into the human affinity for ritual through cookies, sports jerseys, beer, and flight attendant safety speeches. The authors close with suggestions for how qualitative researchers can adopt a ritual lens to develop a deeper understanding of consumer behavior. […]

Schools of Thought

What Can Magicians Teach Us about How Consumers Think?

Working with qualitative methods inevitably requires that we consider issues of attention, sensory processing, and cognitive processes. In this article, veteran moderator and occasional magician Jeff Hecker discusses how magicians consider and leverage these same issues, with some fascinating implications for researchers. […]

Schools of Thought

The Critical Need to Read Body Language in Qualitative Research

Qualitative research has long relied upon verbal responses to discussions/interview questions. This method appeared to work well, until it didn’t. It has become evident that what a research participant’s body language says is just as important, if not more important, than what they verbally say. It is time for qualitative researchers to add formal body language training to their professional toolbox. The good news is there are training and certification options to help you become a Micro Expression Practitioner or Micro Expression Master. […]

Schools of Thought

Morality: Looking through the Lens of Virtue

We live in an increasingly divided world; people are unable to find common ground on simple issues, conversations are fraught with tension and conflict. As conversations are a qualitative researcher’s stock-in-trade, it’s important to realize that at the root of this division lies morality, our sense of right and wrong. […]