The Right Kind of Wrong by Amy Edmondson, Simon & Schuster, 2023
Reviewed by Jodi McGee, Chief Insights Officer Inquisitive Insights Greater Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania: jodi@inquisitiveinsights.com
Reviewed by Jodi McGee, Chief Insights Officer Inquisitive Insights Greater Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania: jodi@inquisitiveinsights.com
James Forr reviews, Love: How to Rethink Marketing for Tech Products by Martina Lauchengco, explaining that positioning is a long-term game, while messaging is a shorter-term one. […]
Reviewed by Alexandru Dincovici, Owner, IziBiz Consulting, Associate Lecturer, University of Bucharest, NSPSPA, Bucharest, Romania, alex@meany.ng […]
Any Insights Yet?, written by Chris Kocek, is an easy-to-read reference guide on building insights for new and experienced market researchers. […]
Cynthia Tello reviews Jean M. Twenge’s book, Generations, a fascinating book that will transform your viewpoint on the six living generations in America. Based on a rigorous, yet creative methodological approach, Generations offers an innovative perspective and a new Model of Generations, placing technology at the base of all radical transformations of society and the catalyst behind generational change. […]
Oana Popa Rengle reviews renowned music producer Rick Rubin’s book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being—which she praises for being written in language that flows like a poem and inspires readers to open themselves up to the creativity that lives around and within them. […]
Jodi McGee reviews The Good Life by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, calling it a “slow-burning truth bomb.” Using data from an 80+ year Harvard study, the authors underscore the importance of relationships and their ability to keep us happier and healthier for longer. […]
In Forget the Funnel: A customer-led approach for driving predictable, recurring revenue, authors Georgiana Laudi and Claire Suellentrop not only explain how to gather high-quality insights, but also how to precisely translate these insights into a prioritized, strategic, laser-focused action plan for clients. […]
Jodi McGee reviews Agrawal, Gans, and Goldfarb’s second book about AI, Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence, as a resource for understanding the transformative potential of AI and how we must prepare for the massive impacts that are yet to come. […]
Susan Collin reviews a new book by Becky Blades. Start More Than You Can Finish: A Creative Permission Slip to Unleash Your Best Ideas suggests letting go of the strict rules for creativity and how starting more ventures than thought possible can actually make you more productive. […]
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