an image of Sigmund Freud psychanalyzing a female patient
Schools of Thought

How Techniques from Psychoanalysis Can Provide Deeper Insights

Darren Harvey draws from his psychoanalytic training to explain how leaning into research participants’ defensive behaviors and anxiety can provide valuable material for understanding their world. When one’s true self is seen, validated, and brought into the space, participants can enjoy a more enriching and satisfying experience, and our clients can net deeper and more meaningful insights from consumers. […]

An illustration of a group of people in a circle surrounded by vibrant colors
Schools of Thought

Joy in Research: Nurturing Participant Enjoyment & Researcher Well-Being

Grounded in data and real-world experiences from the Year of Joy initiative, joy can be integrated into qualitative research as both a quantifiable metric and an intervention tool in research methodologies. Learn how the dual role of joy is setting new standards in participant engagement, data quality, and overall well-being, and providing actionable tips and insights for researchers and individuals to cultivate joy in various aspects of life. […]