
VIEWS Podcasts: David Kalisher

Mike Carlon is joined by David Kalisher of Jolly Road productions. Listen in as we uncover David’s journey from struggling artist to successful filmmaker creating visual experiences for advertising, market research, corporate board rooms, conferences, museums, living rooms, digital content, and more. […]


FUELING CREATIVITY WITH INSIGHTS: How Advertising Agencies Best Collaborate with Qualitative Researchers

Consumer insights are the most critical building blocks of effective advertising—and the key people behind those insights are often qualitative researchers. Kathleen Kindle, Group Strategy Director at Saatchi & Saatchi, delves into why advertising agencies rely heavily on qualitative insights and what advertising strategists and creatives need from qualitative researchers. […]


DIY Infographics: Transforming Insights with Visual Storytelling

The most effective research tells a compelling story. It has been said that writing less requires more thought and strategy than writing more—so it’s no wonder many of us struggle to create infographics. Researcher Joe Hopper can relate—and in this article, he shares his approach of eight principles for creating thoughtful and compelling DIY infographics that can enhance qualitative storytelling. […]


VIEWS Podcasts: Dresden McBride

Mike Carlon’s latest podcast with Dresden McBride leverages their combined four decades of conducting user research in the financial services industry and is a must-listen for researchers interested in the digital customer experience. Highlights include when and why to leverage instinct and experience over customer opinions, and Dresden’s take on how researchers and designers can work more effectively together. […]


Demystifying Semiotics: A Primer on How to Do Semiotic Decoding

In this how-to article, SemioFest co-founder Hamsini Shivakumar demystifies semiotics. She explains: what semiotics is; how it is different from voice-of-the-customer research; and how semiotics-based insights help your customers improve their marketing. Hamsini also provides an introductory how-to on conducting semiotics analyses so that you can consider how you might incorporate semiotics into your practice or business. […]

photo sequence
Schools of Thought

What Might a Picture “Sequence” Reveal for Deeper Insights?

Like many marketing researchers and facilitators, Mary Ellyn Vicksta uses photos and visuals during focus groups and facilitate meetings to prompt responses. The use of sequencing can be extremely helpful to get to a deeper meaning—whether that is with consumers or with clients as they develop products or services. This article explains sequencing and how to use it. […]